Explain, what is dynamic website, and how it will be useful?

Bharath runs a manufacturing unit in the suburbs of Chennai. His business is five years old and now he wants to grow his business, which he aims to increase revenue 5 times in three years. He came to our office to discuss website development. We are referred to him by his friend.

Bharath has a website, but he has not received any inquiries from the website.

He asked why there was no traffic to my website. After going through the website and doing a Google search using a keyword that represents his business, we did not see his website until 10 pages of the Google search results page. After discussing with Bharath, we came to know that he did not do any search engine optimization. He created a static website and launched it.

So we explained to him, in the real world, opening a company does not bring business, you do some marketing to reach customers, you spread your business through your friends, then you do some advertising. Then you will get some inquiries from the customers. In the same way, creating a website will not bring visitors to your website. You need to do some digital marketing activities to bring visitors to your website.

His next question is, what should I do now to bring in the visitor?

You need to do digital marketing, many channels like organic search, social media marketing, content marketing will bring visitors to your website. Develop your digital marketing strategy. Today, consumers search for information through search engines such as Google, which help them make their own decisions. Making your website compatible with search engines is your first step in bringing your visitors. Next, you need to create fresh and relevant content for your website, blogging is the second most important step in attracting visitors. There are many channels you can add to your digital marketing strategy.

But before you do digital marketing, you need to turn your static website into a dynamic website.

Bharath asked, what is a dynamic website and how can it help me to reach an audience?

A dynamic website is a website built using a programming language and a database, so running a website requires a web server installed with a programming language. Examples of dynamic websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. In a dynamic website, one must log in to perform actions on the website.

On the Dynamic website, we can control what is displayed after login and what is displayed without signing in. A login-only dynamic website is useful for editing the content of your website, changing the layout of your website, adding or removing features, and changing the look and feel of your website. This is only allowed by those who have a username and password. When you use a dynamic website to perform all the functions discussed above you are not dependent on the developer, but with a static website, you are dependent on the developer.

Dynamic website is widely used when you are doing digital marketing because it is easy to create content and feed it to search engines with data about the content on the website. An example of the use of dynamic websites is the XML sitemap file (this is part of the activity we do during search engine optimisation), which is used to provide data to search engines about the content on the website. A dynamic website will update the XML sitemap file when you update your website with new content or edit an existing one. This is done automatically. As such, the website may have many features to support your digital marketing strategy to bring visitors. WordPress is a framework used to create a dynamic website.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a popular website development system. Which is open source, that is, free to use to build your website. WordPress, a dynamic website, code written and created by volunteers, we can take it and use it to build your website. WordPress is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and MySQL databases.

Is it safe when I use a dynamic website?

Security depends on how much you care about maintaining your website. When you use open source software such as WordPress, it is important to update your source code to the latest version. When you do not update, it will be very vulnerable to hacking. So getting a maintenance contract with your development company can help protect your website.

Does it once cost to build a dynamic website?

Dynamic Website Development will not be a one-time development cost if you plan to do digital marketing because some upgrades may be required as new technology develops and new features may be added.

Now, there is clarity in the use of dynamic website development as Bharath’s questions have been answered. He was happy to work with us on creating and maintaining his website.

If you are looking for website improvement, please contact us and we look forward to serving you.