The Secret to Efficient Laravel Database Queries: Model Scopes


Have you ever found yourself writing repetitive database queries in your Laravel projects? Or perhaps you’ve wished for a more elegant way to filter and manipulate your data? If so, Laravel’s model scopes are here to save the day!

Model scopes provide a powerful mechanism for defining reusable query clauses that can be applied to your models. By encapsulating common query logic, scopes can significantly improve code organization, reusability, and maintainability.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of model scopes and explore their benefits, how to define and apply them, and advanced techniques like chaining scopes and using global scopes. Whether you’re a seasoned Laravel developer or just starting out, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to master model scopes and take your Laravel projects to the next level.

Understanding Model Scopes

Model scopes are reusable query clauses that can be applied to your Laravel models. They provide a way to encapsulate common database query logic, making your code more organized, efficient, and easier to maintain.


Encapsulate common query logic: Model scopes allow you to define reusable query clauses that can be applied to multiple parts of your application, reducing code duplication.

Improve code readability: By using named scopes, you can make your code more self-explanatory and easier to understand

Enhance maintainability: When you make changes to a common query, you only need to update the scope definition, rather than modifying the query in multiple locations.

Promote code reuse: Scopes can be shared between different models, making your code more modular and reusable.

Scopes are applied to queries using two primary methods:

1. Using the where method:

You can directly apply a scope to a query using the where method, passing the scope name as the first argument and any required parameters as the second argument.

$activeUsers = User::scopeActive()->get();

2. Using the ->scope() syntax:

This syntax provides a more concise way to apply scopes. You can chain the ->scope() method directly onto the model query builder, followed by the scope name and any parameters.

$activeUsers = User::scopeActive()->get();

In both cases, the query clause defined within the scope is added to the existing query, allowing you to filter and manipulate your data based on specific criteria

Defining Model Scopes

Using the scope method

To define a scope, you use the scope method within your model class. The scope method takes two arguments: the name of the scope and a closure that defines the query logic.


class User extends Model
public function scopeActive($query)
return $query->where('is_active', 1);

In this example, we’ve defined a scope named active that filters users based on the is_active column.

Types of Scopes

Global Scopes:

These scopes are applied to all queries for a specific model.
To define a global scope, use the boot method in your model class and call the addGlobalScope method.

class User extends Model
protected static function boot()
static::addGlobalScope('active', function ($query) {
$query->where('is_active', 1);

Local Scopes:

These scopes are only applied to specific queries.
You define local scopes using the scope method as shown in the previous example.

Conditional Scopes:

These scopes can be applied based on certain conditions.
You can define conditional scopes by passing parameters to the scope method or by using conditional logic within the scope closure.

Example of a conditional scope:

class User extends Model
class Product extends Model
public function scopeFeatured($query)
return $query->where('is_featured', 1);
public function scopeInStock($query)
return $query->where('quantity', '>', 0);

You can then apply these scopes conditionally:

class User extends Model
$featuredProducts = Product::featured()->get();
$inStockProducts = Product::inStock()->get();

By understanding these different types of scopes, you can create versatile and reusable query logic in your Laravel applications.

Eager Loading vs. Lazy Loading

When working with relationships between models, it’s important to understand the difference between eager loading and lazy loading.

Eager Loading: This means that related models are loaded along with the main model in a single query. This can improve performance, but it can also lead to unnecessary data being loaded.

$users = User::with('posts')->get();

Lazy Loading: This means that related models are only loaded when they are accessed. This can be more efficient in some cases, but it can also lead to multiple database queries.

$user = User::find(1);
$posts = $user->posts;

Choosing the Right Approach:

The best approach depends on your specific use case. If you know you’ll need to access related models frequently, eager loading can be more efficient. If you only need to access related models occasionally, lazy loading can be a better choice.

By understanding the difference between eager loading and lazy loading, you can optimize your queries and improve the performance of your Laravel applications.

Chaining Model Scopes

One of the powerful features of Laravel model scopes is the ability to chain multiple scopes together to create complex queries. This allows you to apply multiple filters or conditions to your data in a single expression.


$featuredProducts = Product::featured()->inStock()->get();

In this example, we’re chaining the featured and inStock scopes to retrieve products that are both featured and in stock.

Order of Application:

The order in which scopes are applied to a query is important. By default, scopes are applied in the order in which they are defined. However, you can control the order of application using the with() method.


$products = Product::with(['category' =>
function ($query) {
$query->where('name', 'Electronics');

In this example, the category relationship is loaded first, and then the featured and inStock scopes are applied.

Additional Considerations:

  • Scope Parameters: If scopes take parameters, you can pass them when chaining scopes.
  • Global Scopes: Global scopes are always applied first, regardless of the order in which they are defined.
  • Custom Order: You can control the order of application using the with() method, as shown in the example above.
  • By understanding how to chain scopes and control their order of application, you can create complex and efficient queries in your Laravel applications.

Without Using Scopes

Here’s the equivalent query without using scopes:

$featuredProducts = Product::where('is_featured', 1)->where('quantity', '>', 0)->get();

While you can achieve the same results without using scopes, scopes often provide a cleaner and more maintainable approach, especially for complex queries or when you need to apply the same filters or conditions in multiple places.

Global Model Scopes


Global scopes are scopes that are applied to all queries for a specific model by default. This means that they are automatically included in every query, regardless of whether you explicitly apply them.

Use Cases

Global scopes are often used for:

  • Soft deletes: Implementing soft deletes to mark records as deleted rather than actually deleting them.
  • Tenant filtering: Filtering data based on the current tenant or user.
  • Default ordering: Setting a default order for queries.
  • Other common filters: Applying common filters that are frequently used.

Defining and Applying Global Scopes

To define a global scope, you use the addGlobalScope method within the boot method of your model class. The addGlobalScope method takes two arguments: the name of the scope and a closure that defines the query logic.


class User extends Model
protected static function boot()
static::addGlobalScope('active', function
($query) {
$query->where('is_active', 1);

In this example, we’ve defined a global scope named active that filters users based on the is_active column. This scope will be applied to all queries for the User model, unless it is explicitly overridden.

To override a global scope, you can use the withoutGlobalScope method:

$allUsers = User::withoutGlobalScope('active')->get();

This will retrieve all users, including inactive ones, by temporarily disabling the active global scope.

Note: Global scopes are applied before any other scopes or query clauses.

Conditional Model Scopes

Conditional scopes allow you to apply scopes based on certain conditions, making your queries more dynamic and flexible. You can create conditional scopes by passing parameters to the scope method or by using conditional logic within the scope closure.

Example: Passing Parameters

class Product extends Model
public function scopeCategory($query, $categoryId)
return $query->where('category_id', $categoryId);

You can then apply this scope conditionally:

$electronicsProducts = Product::category(1)->get();
Example: Using Conditional Logic
class Product extends Model
public function scopeFeatured($query)
if (Auth::check()) {
return $query->where('is_featured', 1);
} else {
return $query;

This scope will only apply the is_featured condition if an authenticated user is logged in.

Additional Considerations:

You can combine multiple conditional scopes to create complex queries.

  • You can use helper functions or other logic within your scope closures to make your conditions more dynamic.
  • Consider using conditional scopes to implement features like search, filtering, and pagination.

By understanding how to create conditional scopes, you can make your Laravel applications more flexible and responsive to user input.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the powerful concept of Laravel model scopes. We’ve learned how to define, apply, and chain scopes to streamline your database queries and enhance code readability.

Key Take aways:

Model scopes provide a reusable way to encapsulate common query logic.

You can define global, local, and conditional scopes to suit your specific needs.

Chaining scopes allows you to create complex and dynamic queries.

Understanding eager loading and lazy loading is essential for optimizing your queries.

Experiment and Explore

Now that you have a solid understanding of model scopes, it’s time to experiment and explore their potential in your own Laravel projects. Try creating your own custom scopes to simplify common tasks and improve the efficiency of your database interactions.

Remember, mastering model scopes can significantly enhance your Laravel development experience, so don’t hesitate to dive in and start exploring!

Want to learn more about creating custom helper functions in Laravel? Check out our latest blog post for a comprehensive guide!
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